The second image has been moved on to where the person is sitting at a park bench reading. The park should contain very small amounts of logos and advertisements as it is slightly out of reach of the stores. Though the formerly viewed adverts are still lingering around as they are well know and are seen anywhere. The book that is being read does contain adverts such as subscriptions and product purchase.
The third image is the person walking down a street as adverts jump out of posters on the wall. This is additional as the preveously viewed photos from each advert are kingering behind once again.
The forth image is of the person flushing the logos down a hole by pushing a big red button as they cannot stand them much longer. But as this happens, in the fith image the view of that same moment has been swivled around one hundred and eighty degrees to show a mass group of gathered logos and adverts that have gathered behind the person.
I feel that there is so much advertising that it cannot be forgotten about or hidden from and deleting it willonly make it appear.

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